More side effects
Here is an interesting video on how Herceptin works along with chemotherapy. Before Herceptin came along, I would have only had approximately 21 months to …
Here is an interesting video on how Herceptin works along with chemotherapy. Before Herceptin came along, I would have only had approximately 21 months to …
Chemo + Herceptin drips went from 8h15 to 15h45. What a day! With this new part of my treatment, I’ll be getting drips 6 out …
Today marks the halfway mark of my chemo journey. I’m learning how to adapt to the various side effects I’ve experienced. After having severe Plantar …
I met with my oncologist this morning and discussed my newest symptoms which appeared over the past 24 hours: new mouth sores; coughing up thick, …
Party in my mouth… not the fun kind. And these are only in the tongue and throat. I have some on my lower gums too. …
Several of the other questions I have had from many, many of my female friends relate to how I found my cancer and what the …
A number of people privately asked me about the kind of cancer I have and my treatments, so I figured I would post it here …
I’m excited to have been called by the AMBER Study. It’s a study that is looking at the impact of lifestyle and physical activity has …
I’m very excited to be participating in the Alberta Cancer Exercise (ACE) prgoram, which is study with ~1,000 cancer patients across Alberta to evaluate the impact of …