The Canadian Task Force’s anti-screening bias

That’s dangerous for Canadians!

Natalie Kwadrans, X, May 8, 2024

For those of you following my blog, you know that I have been a vocal and passionate advocate for cancer screening and cancer research. So when I read a blog post on OncoDaily Medical Journal‘s website where I was labelled a “cancer activist”, I was beaming with pride!

On the theme of advocacy, I just released my second episode of my Getting it Off my Chest series. This the first of five episodes in which I explain my concerns as they relate brief they posted on the House of Commons Standing Committee on Women’s Health.

Task Force members, who volunteer their time and expertise, are vetted to ensure neutrality in assessing evidence and developing recommendations

Canadian Task Force on Preventative Health Care 1

This episode is dedicated to debunking that claim by concretely showing the Chair of the CTFPHC, Dr. Guylène Thériault, has a clear and known anti-screening bias. This means she is not a neutral party; her mind is already made up. She should not be on this Task Force, let alone be chairing it.

  1. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. (2024, February 14). House of Commons Standing Committee on Health  Study on Women’s Health . HESA – Home – House of Commons of Canada. ↩︎